We will always strive to tailor the most beneficial solution to match your needs, no matter if you are printer, printing group or press manufacturer.
We will always strive to tailor the most beneficial solution to match your needs, no matter if you are printer, printing group or press manufacturer.
OEM projects have always been an important part of DCOS operation. We have a unique offer in terms of cost-effective solutions for the printing industry. The relationship with our OEM custmers is characterized by long-term thinking, trust and results.
Our OEM assignments include everything from consultation, development projects, sub-systems for the printing process or complete automation solutions. Our role is to help to complement and enhance our customers´products through extensive knowledge and proven system solutions.
DCOS is an innovation company in that we always strive for flexible and scalable solutions that do not build unnecessary cost base and is adaptable to different applications with different budgets and requirements. The bredth of our offerings allows you as our OEM customer to run projects with fewer partners, tested integrations and with greater profitability.
We at DCOS have gathered experience in the printing industry for 15 years and carries out all R&D in-house. As a global supplier, we have knowledge and custom practice of compliance with regulations in different parts of the world.
DCOS is one of the few growing companies in an industry with many challanges. The key to continued success is that we offer modern sophisticated solutions and a partnership that is timely, focusing on a long term relationship where we are part of the chain; Partner – OEM – End User.
Productivity in printing is our watchword. That we stand for and that we realize. Newspaper production is globally facing major challenges; declining circulation, excess capacity, profitability and an uncertain future. Investment bands for the new press will most likely be extended. At the same time the utilization of many printing presses increases as a result in gaining efficiency. The requirements for profitability, quality and prduction stability remains.
A rapidly growing part of our business is investment in existing equipment, called Retrofit. In most cases one can distinguish two types of retrofit projects, those that focus on efficiency and quality improvements measures and those who have to hedge production stability, availability of spare parts and support. For our part, this is two parts usually integrated in the same project.
DCOS can offer complete solutions for most presses and auxiliary systems regardless of brand of existing drive and control systems. Our strength is the breadth , we can offer, combined with flexible cost effective solutions. A retrofit project can include upgrading one single system or several systems or functions of the printing press and its auxiliaries. In our offer is a solution for each function.
Retrofit projects most of the time starts with an analysis phase where we, together with the customer reviews the requirements, conditions and production needs in relation to existing equipment and work out an idea of the final solution optimized for the expected life of the machine. When the final solution is defined, it is not uncommon for us to break down the performance of the segment which is then prioritized according to the machine conditions and needs. This in oder to spread the investment over a period of time and still addressing critical risks, and often by directly creating efficiencies and imporvments that help with repayment of the investment.
The solution for each print shop is tailored to their individual needs and based on a combination of our systems.
DCOS has an efficeint and streamlined organization that puts value on finding synergies and simplicity of what we do. While many insist on offering comprehensive solutions to complex issues, our aim is to find simple solutions. This is why we can offer the most affordable retrofit solution.
DCOS is equipped to have an overall responsibility in the project. Sometimes we are a subcontractor to an OEM customer, and sometimes we are the main contractor.
To be able to offer affordable solutions while still ensure quality in delivery and systems, it is important for us to gather all expertise under one roof. DCOS provides the following services;
Support at the right time is decisive for our customer, since many modern production installations cannot manage a stoppage, or only with great difficulty. A key matter for DCOS is to be able to offer our customers customized and efficient support. Both during and after the warranty time, we offer support in the form of; telephone and internet support, support visits, service visits, updates/upgrades and spare parts starage.
Our support department is always available and we offer customized support solutions that allow you the optimal solution for your needs.