DCOS boilerplate

This is DCOS

Swedish company DCOS works with innovative automation for printing houses. The typical client is a newspaper printer. Located in Kinna (pronounced Shinna) in southwest Sweden, DCOS offers products as well as services. The company has been successful ever since starting out in 2004 and has been dubbed a Gazelle and local Entrepreneur of the Year.

DCOS has a project-oriented organization. Experienced and fl exible teams of service engineers make sure the customers are always well taken care of. The company’s vision is to be a preferred partner on a global printing market. As a result the services and products of DCOS are user-friendly, sophisticated, effi cient, and reliable. In short, the focus is on helping printing houses optimize their productivity. DCOS has an offer of quite some depth. It comprises everything from more or less standardized products to customized, client-specifi c solutions, maintenance and support. The company is sometimes a subcontractor supplying drive and control systems to manufacturers of other printing equipment. On other occasions, DCOS sells its products and services directly to newspaper printers. The product portfolio of DCOS holds solutions for an optimized printing process. Among other things, the fi rm offers drive and control systems to watch over, control and rationalize the printing process. Well-functioning, smooth-running machines are vital to any printing house. A way of extending the life cycle of machines, and one that has proved to be successful, is Retrofi t, a service provided by DCOS. A retrofi t is about making the very most of the machinery. The service assists printers in fi nding out where in the process measures should be taken to render it more effi cient. To many printing houses, retrofi t is the ideal and most cost-effi cient way to secure the production. DCOS has global presence. The company has an excellent reputation in the industry and has an explicit aim to expand. DCOS is a Gazelle, ready to take the next leap.